
Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition

Created by Onyx Path - Changeling The Lost

In Changeling: The Lost, you take on the role of an ordinary person who has seen the extraordinary. Lured or abducted by the alien Gentry, you have passed the gates and Hedges between our world and the vast fantastic. Changeling: The Lost began in 2007, and amassed some of the most passionate fans the Chronicles of Darkness has ever known. Now, it’s reborn in its second edition, which tells new tales and builds on lessons learned in the past ten years. We’re jumping back into the brambles, and letting the scar tissue from last time protect us. Changeling: The Lost, Second Edition will include the many kinds of changelings and their Courts, powers and other perks for the Lost, antagonists such as Huntsmen, Hedge Ghosts, and of course the True Fae, and cities from around the world with their own local Courts.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

YEAR-END UPDATE (Another Digital Reward)
over 5 years ago – Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 01:46:43 AM

Hello Changeling Community,

Yes, I'm a teenie bit early, but I have another digital reward to go out, and wanted to get it to you as soon as possible.

Why is James dressed like he's from the Black Lagoon? Read on to find out...
Why is James dressed like he's from the Black Lagoon? Read on to find out...

Today's topics:

1. Shipping update
2. New Digital Reward Distribution
3. Errata and Correction Collection
4. Reward Tracking update
5. Kickstarter Concierge


Orders have been locked, payments have been processed, addresses have been confirmed and collected, and now the most important part - the books have arrived at the fulfillment warehouse!!

Which means, we're *almost* there. Close enough that I'm going to mark it as "Shipping Now", even though it may be a few more days. The Storyteller Screens are on their way to the warehouse now, and should deliver soon. Once both physical pieces (the book and the screen) are there, Onyx Path's fulfillment partners can begin the huge process of printing orders, picking, packing,and shipping. In the end, we have almost 3,000 orders of various configurations for this book, so it's going to be a big job! 

The year-end holidays will throw a bit of a wrench into the schedule, but the team will work as quickly as possible to get your orders out. Then we begin the waiting game. And rather than continually hitting refresh on our order tracking, I thought it would be fun to have something to read while we wait...


One of our "Spring" Stretch Goals was a Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition Jumpstart, and here it is: HEARTS ON TRIAL.

Your link to claim the HEARTS ON TRIAL Backer PDF will be sent out by our BackerKit pledge manager over the next two days. Since we are using our partners at DriveThruRPG as the host for this, you will need to set up a DriveThru account if you don't have one already. If you encounter any problems with downloading your rewards, please contact DTRPG's customer service to resolve the matter, they've always been top-rated for customer service.

Again, you will receive an e-mail from BackerKit with a link for the HEARTS ON TRIAL PDF today or tomorrow if it is on your expected list of rewards. 

The easiest way to see if you've got digital downloads available is to login to your backerkit account: and it'll show anything available. Your backerkit account should also confirm all rewards that you should expect from your reward tier selected.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at You can also access your available DOWNLOADS from your BackerKit page, which will shortly include the Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition Jumpstart PDF!

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at


This is the first version of HEARTS ON TRIAL to be released. We've sent you this initial Backer PDF for three reasons:

1) To thank you for your support! This was one of our campaign Stretch Goals, so it came into the world because of your passion! You deserve to see it first!  

2) So you can start a new Changeling: The Lost game right away! Jumpstarts have been popular for a reason - a pre-built springboard to launch your new chronicle, with tips and guidance where you need it. 

3) To make the final version the best it can be! The design and development teams have done their best to proofread and correct any errors and typos - but some always sneak through. If you catch any typos, incorrect math, visual glitches, and the like, we want to hear about them and correct them before we send the book off to print.  

You can report any such issues on the Onyx Path forums here:

Hearts on Trial: The Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition Jumpstart errata:

Generally, we try to keep these threads open for the next 2 weeks, although they may be accessible a little longer due to the holiday. Still, please report what you can as soon as possible to make sure we're getting everything covered.

We won't be collecting errata from other spots, just those specific threads on the Onyx Path forum. Please note these threads will be for errata only - typos, incorrect math, page elements that overlap incorrectly, etc. It won't be for book discussion - you can do that in a different thread, or on the Kickstarter comments page.  

After any needed corrections are made (based on your feedback!), we will prepare an updated final PDF version of the book and you will receive a notice that you can re-download your file with the latest version.

You've already made this supplement a reality with your Kickstarter support. Now you can make it even better by helping us crowdsource any minor errors and corrections.

REWARD TRACKING - Completed Rewards (Sent to Backers)  

- Arcadian Memories PDF Bundle (1E Bundle)
- Chronicles 2E Core PDF Bundle
- Chronicles of Darkness Core Book PDF
- OnyxDice CtL D10
- Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition Core Book PDF
- Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition Core Book Hardcover (Shipping now)
- Storyteller's Screen (Shipping now)
- Hearts on Trial - A Changeling: The Lost Jumpstart 


- Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition POD Coupon (proofs are being reviewed now)
- Storyteller's Screen PDF (soon)
- Kith & Kin PDF - outline and assignments
- Oak, Ash, and Thorn: the Changeling Companion PDF - Development
- Fiction Anthology - outline and assignments 

That's a lot of movement since our last reward summary! And a great way to end the year, with a promise of even more stuff to come in 2019!

I'll post our list of delivered and pending rewards with each update, so that we can track everything that's needed and keep on the same page. Also, feel free to check out Onyx Path's Monday Meeting Notes posts (linked here) which will give you a weekly status report on ALL of the projects Onyx Path has on the go (you may see spoilers for my monthly updates, or see what other kickstarter campaigns are currently running).

Speaking of which...

The Kickstarter for They Came From Beneath The Sea! is now live!

They Came From Beneath The Sea! is a new tabletop RPG from Onyx Path, encompassing the wonder, horror, thrills, and hilarity of 1950s science fiction. This game evokes all that is great in the B-movies of decades ago, and provides a dynamic, fun experience at the table.  

The players, as humans, live in a world under increasing attack. The attackers? Aliens from beneath the sea, obviously!  

Adventures can range from the one-shot defense of small coastal town, to the lengthier liberation of a cruise ship invested with gill-kin, all the way to a campaign in which characters seize an alien submarine and ride it all the way down to the sea bed to take the fight to the invaders.  

Put down your malt shakes, turn on the jukebox, and prepare your harpoons! You don’t want to be caught unawares when it’s revealed that They Came From Beneath The Sea!

Heads Up - Charging Credit Cards for BackerKit Orders
over 5 years ago – Thu, Dec 06, 2018 at 04:14:47 PM

Hi Changeling Community,

Just wanted to give you a little heads up that we plan to charge cards for add-on items you purchased or any additional funds you may owe through BackerKit tomorrow, December 7. Make sure that you have the correct card information on file. If any issues arise with your payment you’ll receive an email letting your know to correct your payment information.

Again - this is only for purchases or payments to be made via Backerkit. If you completely paid for your pledge and add-ons during the kickstarter campaign, you're all set for this step.

If you need to review payment information, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at 

Next Due Date: Address Information finalized and locked in on December 14th.

A reminder will go out a few days before this due date as part of the process --  we will be locking in shipping information for all physical deliveries on December 14th. That means we'll be delivering your book to whatever address you've got set up in BackerKit as of that day - please confirm it's correct and where you'll be to receive the books in the next few months.  

We take responsibility to ship the rewards to the address you've provided by that cut off date - if it's incorrect, we will still consider our obligation fulfilled, so it's incumbent on you to ensure that we have the correct information.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

It's James, your point person for this Kickstarter campaign.
It's James, your point person for this Kickstarter campaign.

Lock Down Reminder
over 5 years ago – Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 08:24:27 PM

Today is the last day to make final updates to your order. Tomorrow, we will lock your reward selections and begin preparation to charge cards for add-on item purchases, pledge upgrades, and pre-orders. You can update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping.  

If you haven’t answered your survey yet, if you fill out your BackerKit survey or pay for extra shipping after today's order due date, we’ll still receive your information but your shipment may be delayed.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


Thank you all again for being so responsive to answering our BackerKit survey—even though it may not seem like much as an individual backer, you have no idea how tremendously helpful this has been for me when trying to keep track of all 2,446 of you!

Thanks everyone for your support!  

Next Due Date: Payment Information finalized and charged on DECEMBER 7th, 2018.  

Next Due Date: Address Information finalized and locked in on DECEMBER 14th, 2018.

It's James, your point person for this Kickstarter campaign.
It's James, your point person for this Kickstarter campaign.
Final Week to back Chicago By Night - come and join in!
Final Week to back Chicago By Night - come and join in!

over 5 years ago – Fri, Nov 09, 2018 at 11:04:45 AM

Hello Changeling Community!

All the leaves have fallen off the tree in front of house this week. I can read the signs.

It was nearly a year ago, December 14, 2017, that we successfully concluded phase 1 of this kickstarter campaign. That was the funding part, and we had a great time and built an awesome community.

One year later, on December 14, 2018, I would like to hand off our information to our fulfillment partner so they can begin delivering on the project we funded. 


With that goal in mind, I ask that everyone reviews their BackerKit survey to confirm rewards and lock in information. Information below on how to access your Survey again, but key follow-up steps are:

1. CONFIRM REWARDS - I'll be locking down all Reward Lists, so if you wanted to add any additional rewards, please do so by NOVEMBER 23rd, 2018. In two weeks time, I will lock down all reward lists and you won't be able to adjust or add anything after that time.  

2. CONFIRM ALL PAYMENT INFORMATION - For any additions you made in BackerKit, or any payments that did not process at the end of the Kickstarter campaign, please ensure your payment information is up to date, valid, and ready to be processed by DECEMBER 7th, 2018. In four weeks time, I will instruct BackerKit to lock down and process all outstanding payments.  

3. CONFIRM SHIPPING INFORMATION - Please ensure your shipping information is up-to-date with your expected address for December 2018. Please ensure that this information is entered and correct by DECEMBER 14th, 2018. In five weeks time, I will take the shipping information we have for you in BackerKit and provide that to our fulfillment partners, so they can begin shipping one week later.


Consider this the six-weeks-from-shipping warning to update your information, after which point, you agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into our pledge manager system to the address listed in BackerKit, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities, providing correct address information and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods. Failure to confirm mailing address prior to December 14, 2018 will be taken as agreement that all obligations have been met and no further action or effort is required on the part of Onyx Path.  

(Of course, if you're getting digital rewards only, you don't need to worry about your address. This is just for the physical book and screen).


This is all in anticipation of shipping in the upcoming months. I will send another update when the books are actually ready to go and will begin shipping, but we need to have this information locked down prior to that stage. If you find yourself in an unusual circumstance or your residence unexpectedly changes between DECEMBER 14th and the date I send out the shipping update, contact me to see what I can do at that time.


To review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at

I'll continue to monitor the comment section for this campaign and answer any questions that come up. If you have any issues or problems with other aspects of the project, you can let me know here and we'll figure out a solution. Additionally, I'll be forwarded any important questions that are sent in via the CONTACT ME button under the Rich's creator link on the main page.  

I will send out our regular month-end update with progress on all rewards noted, as well as a reminder about BackerKit information lock down dates. Until then, continue to prepare to break through the Hedge!

It's James, your point person for this Kickstarter campaign.
It's James, your point person for this Kickstarter campaign.

Halloween 2018 Update!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 12:39:01 AM

Hello Changeling Community,

Is James wearing a vampire costume because it's Halloween? Read on to find out...
Is James wearing a vampire costume because it's Halloween? Read on to find out...

 Happy Halloween! And welcome to your monthly Changeling: The Lost update.

It's not quite winter yet, but my hometown has seen the first snowfall of the season... even though I still have some green leaves on my trees!

Nevertheless, time moves forward, and projects advance in kind.

And now, into our Halloween summary. I've updated each pending project with the current status from the Onyx Path Monday Meeting notes <linked here> and will outline what to expect over the next weeks...

REWARD TRACKING - Completed Rewards (Sent to Backers)  

  • Arcadian Memories PDF Bundle (1E Bundle)  
  • Chronicles 2E Core PDF Bundle 
  • Chronicles of Darkness Core Book PDF 
  • OnyxDice CtL D10 
  • Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition Core Book PDF (Backer Edition)


  • Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition Core Book Hardcover - Preparing to Print 
  • Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition POD Coupon - pending hardcover completion 
  • Storyteller's Screen - Preparing to Print 
  • Storyteller's Screen PDF - pending print completion 
  • Kith & Kin PDF - outline 
  • Oak, Ash, and Thorn: the Changeling Companion PDF - Development
  • Fiction Anthology - outline 
  • Changeling: The Lost Jumpstart - Art has been contracted, proof-reading review

So, some solid movement on the Jumpstart and Oak, Ash, and Thorn. But, even more exciting: the book is about to be printed!

That means all test copies have been reviewed and approved and the printer has the final files. They are now able to schedule the print run, and then do all the finishing work that concludes with an awesome hardcover book!

Once the printer has completed the job, they will package up the books and prepare to send to Onyx Path's fulfillment partner for this project. At that time, I will send an important update with a SIX WEEK COUNTDOWN. During that countdown, we will:

  • Lock in all pledge orders, so you won't be able to add any additional items
  • Process all BackerKit payments, so anything that you added after the campaign will be processed
  • Lock in final shipping addresses

Again, we are still some time away from beginning these final steps... but they're getting close! If you want to begin the process early, please review your pledge and rewards to ensure you've got everything you want, confirm payment information, and make sure your shipping address is updated.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

Again, we're not there yet... but we're getting close! So excited!!


Even as the seasons begin to move from one to the next, we begin wrapping up one project and start working on another. It's Kickstarter Concierge time, and now I can reveal why I'm dressed like a Vampire!

Chicago lies at the center of the web that is the American heartland. Tendrils of power, wealth, and reward stretch outward, ensnaring the selfish, greedy, and unwary.  

Yet, Chicago attracts its predators, too.  

There are creatures that would have the city for their own, spinning their own webs of malice and intrigue. But among the city’s towering skyscrapers and wind-swept streets, who is the spider and who is the fly?  

Chicago By Night, an updated edition of White Wolf’s bestselling city book, will be Onyx Path Publishing’s first supplement for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition.

In this hardcover supplement, you will find descriptions of most of the Kindred inhabitants of Chicago, complete with 5th Edition write ups; the secret history of Chicago with detailed maps and geographical details; relationship details and factions; and dozens of encounters organized by theme, which provide Storytellers a means to make the setting come alive for the players.

If you're interested in checking out the shadowy streets of Chicago, head on over and join us: Here's the link:

- James